Rhodes Fellowship in the Computation Humanities
The Rhodes iiD Doctoral Fellowship in the Computational Humanities is an opportunity for English doctoral students at Duke University to receive training in the methodology and theory of computational and digital literary studies. The fellowship program will introduce students to both research and pedagogical practices using computational methods. Fellows will also gain an understanding of the quickly-developing critical questions and methodologies that drive scholarship in the digital humanities.
Learn more about this fellowship.
Data+ in the Humanities
Data+ is a full-time, ten week summer research experience that welcomes Duke undergraduate and masters students interested in exploring new data-driven approaches to interdisciplinary challenges. It invites projects from faculty and researchers at Duke and beyond. It is suitable for students from all class years and from all majors. The humanities-based projects within iiD couple big data analysis with the interpretive work usually done by humanists. For faculty: see our call for project proposals or contact Astrid Giugni. For students: apply to upcoming Data+ projects in the humanities.
Data Expeditions in the Humanities
A Data Expedition is a two week unit that a graduate student designs and carries out in an undergraduate course. Its goal is to introduces students to exploratory data analysis. Graduate students work with the course instructor to formulate a question that will engage the students, and a pathway through a dataset that will provide insight. To learn how to design and carry out a Data Expedition in a humanities course, please contact Astrid Giugni.