Quantifying Rare Diseases in Duke Health System

Quantifying Rare Diseases in Duke Health System


Gary Koplik (Masters in Economics and Computation) and Matt Tribby (CompSci, Statistics) spent ten weeks investigating the burden of rare diseases on the Duke University Health System (DUHS). They worked with a massive set of ICD diagnosis codes and visit data provided by DUHS.

Project Results: The team created cohorts of patients with and without rare disease diagnosis codes and performed exploratory comparisons. They identified key roadblocks to analysis of rare disease created by the current ICD hierarchy and created a compelling plan for future work.

Click here for the Executive Summary

Faculty Lead: Rachel Richesson

Project Manager: Isaac Lavine


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“I’ve gained an appreciation for the all-important data ‘pre-processing’ that takes up the vast majority of the effort when working with health data.” — Isaac Lavine, Project Manager and PhD Student in Statistical Science at Duke University



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Computer Science, Statistics

Economics and Computation