New Randles Lab Space in iiD

Feb 22, 2018

Previously, we have celebrated Amanda for the IEEE-CS Technical Consortium on High-Performance Computing (TCHPC) Award for Excellence for Early Career Researchers in High-Performance Computing and the 35 Innovators Under 35 Award. Her research team is growing, and iiD has converted one of our conference rooms into research space for her postdocs Adebayo Adebiyi, John Gounley, Mahsa Dabagh, Mike Kaplan and Greg Herschlag.

“The postdocs are all working on projects to leverage massively parallel fluid dynamics models to investigate biomedical questions,” explains Dr. Randles. “Specifically, they are looking at diseases ranging from pediatric hypoplastic left heart syndrome to cerebral aneurysms to cancer metastasis. They are using computational models of hemodynamics in the human vasculature to study the initiation, progression, and treatment of such diseases.”

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