Data+ 2024: Analyzing Basketball Plays Using Computer Vision and Enhancing Game Strategy and Player Performance

Jul 12, 2024

Basketball, with its fast-paced action and intricate plays, has always been a game of strategy. Coaches and players constantly seek ways to gain an edge over opponents. Imagine a coach glancing at their tablet during a timeout, instantly accessing insights that shape the next play. It’s not just about winning games; it’s about pushing the boundaries of what’s possible.

Coaches spend hours dissecting game footage to understand player movements, offensive and defensive strategies, and opponent tendencies. Manual analysis is time-consuming and prone to oversight.

During the summer of 2024 at Duke University, the Data+ team Analyzing Basketball Plays Using Computer Vision project aims to create a suite of tools that automatically analyze gameplay from basketball video clips, using computer vision techniques.

Guided by computer vision lab researchers and the coaching staff of Duke Women’s Basketball, the team is constructing a computer vision application capable of pinpointing players’ positions on the basketball court. These player coordinates are then fed into a machine-learning model to recognize specific plays. The resulting tool serves as a strategic asset for Duke Women’s Basketball, aiding in scouting opponents and refining play strategies.

Accurate player tracking is crucial for understanding team dynamics, assessing player performance, and identifying patterns. Once player positions are determined, the system employs machine learning to recognize specific plays. By analyzing player movements, ball passes, and court positioning, the tool can identify common offensive and defensive plays.

The resulting tool provides valuable insights for the team’s coaching staff. It aids in opponent scouting by analyzing their play patterns, strengths, and weaknesses. Coaches can adjust game strategies based on data-driven insights, improving overall performance. Individual player performance can be analyzed in-depth. Are they executing plays correctly? Are there areas for improvement? Real-time feedback enhances player development. Coaches can make informed decisions during games. Substitutions, offensive sets, and defensive adjustments become data-driven.

Beyond its immediate impact on Duke Women’s Basketball, this project opens exciting possibilities for the broader basketball community. Like apps which use computer vision to provide personalized feedback on player performance, this technology could be adapted for individual training. Players could receive real-time insights during practice sessions, helping them refine their skills and make informed decisions. Broadcasters could leverage this technology to enhance live game coverage, and real-time play recognition overlays could provide viewers with deeper insights into team strategies and player movements.

To learn more about the team’s work this summer, watch our video below:

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A team of students, guided by computer vision lab researchers and the coaching staff of Duke Women’s Basketball, is set to create a suite of tools designed to automatically analyze gameplay from video clips using computer vision techniques. They will construct a computer vision application capable of pinpointing players’ positions...