2024 Projects
Students will develop and use a database that links physical, chemical, and social environmental data with incidence of specific immune-related diseases within neighborhoods in North Carolina. This database will consist of both publicly-available environmental, social, and climate data as well as data specific to/generated by Duke researchers; health information will...
A team of students lead by ECE faculty member Genevieve Lipp will use mastery learning data from a graduate programming course to develop a tool for predicting student performance and inform beneficial course policies. Given the grade, timeliness, and number of submissions for each autograded programming assignment, the team will...
A team of students led by the Duke World Food Policy Center’s Ag economist Norbert Wilson and electrical and computer engineering professor Leslie Collins and research professor Boyla Mainsah will analyze agricultural research funding to understand whether USDA’s National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA) has prioritized Ag production and...
A team of students will collaborate with the Duke Health Digital Strategy Office, led by Associate Medical Director Joanna S. Cavalier, MD, to analyze data on patient-reported outcomes and patient questionnaires to improve patient experience and care. Our electronic health record, Epic, has a released a new data set that...
A team of students, guided by computer vision lab researchers and the coaching staff of Duke Women’s Basketball, is set to create a suite of tools designed to automatically analyze gameplay from video clips using computer vision techniques. They will construct a computer vision application capable of pinpointing players’ positions...
A team of students led by researchers in Energy Materials and Machine Learning groups, supervised by Prof. Olivier Delaire and Prof. David Carlson, will develop means to evaluate and quantity motions of atoms in novel materials for energy conversion and energy storage. This project will advance our understanding of two...
In collaboration with Duke’s River Center, a team of students will use remote sensing, in-situ water quality data, and machine learning algorithms to detect saltwater intrusion in coastal rivers. As sea levels rise, coastal waterways will become increasingly saline, threatening freshwater biodiversity and ecosystem services. Students will develop a harmonized...
Our project will see a team of students digitize, curate, and host a wide-ranging historical dataset pertaining to the Egyptian cotton industry over the course of the interwar period and Great Depression. Students will apply Optical Character Recognition (OCR) tools to English and Arabic statistical sources ranging from government journals...
Led by researchers from Duke University and Duke Kunshan University, a team of students will embark on an interdisciplinary research journey to explore the dynamic intersection of environmental science and machine learning, engaging in the recognition of wetland plant species through the analysis of satellite image time series. Students will...
Alzheimer’s alters brain connectivity beyond local regions. Understanding necessitates a shift from dyadic to higher-order relations naturally expressed in the language of algebraic topology. Led by professors of Computer Science and Neurology, Dr. Tananun Songdechakraiwut, Dr. Michael Lutz, and Dr. Jian Pei, an interdisciplinary team of students will investigate intricate...
A group of students led by professors of climate sciences and stochastic analysis will use climate models to improve the projected rainfall over the southeastern United States. Students will learn about the climate processes that influence precipitation, flooding, and droughts, as well as how to improve model capability to predict...
A team of students led by Biomedical Engineering Professor Megan Madonna and the Center for Global Women’s Health Technologies will develop methods to explore how middle and high school students become excited about engineering and STEM. Our team will evaluate and quantify the initiation and progression of engineering and STEM-identity...
Is it ethically permissible to sell, buy, and use luxury goods? What labor practices do we tolerate to make these goods available? This project traces the early history of these questions as European powers started to exploit the natural resources and peoples of the New World. We want to trace...
A team of students led by Duke Forest staff as well as a faculty and postdoc from Duke’s Nicholas School of the Environment will explore, organize, and create visualizations for observation data of reptiles and amphibians—collectively known as “herpetofauna”—in the Duke Forest. This data is directly collected by Duke Forest’s...
Showing 1-20 of 29 results