Mental Health Interventions by Durham Police

Mental Health Interventions by Durham Police


Over ten weeks, Computer Science Majors Amber Strange and Jackson Dellinger joined forces with Psychology major Rachel Buchanan to perform a data-driven analysis of mental health intervention practices by Durham Police Department. They worked closely with leadership from the Durham Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) Collaborative, made up of officers who have completed 40 hours of specialized training in mental illness and crisis intervention techniques.

Project Results: Working in a secure environment, the team analyzed a massive set of 911 calls and police reports. They did a spatiotemporal analysis of call volume, an assessment of CIT training efficacy, and a cost analysis of program efficiency. They were able to make a series of data-driven policy recommendations to program leadership.

Partially sponsored by Bass Connections

Executive Summary

Faculty Lead: Nicole Schramm-Sapyta
Project Manager: Bryce Bartlett, Ph.D. candidate in Sociology

Safety Analytics in Durham, NC:



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