geo map of median household income for Durham, Orange, and Wake counties

Environmental and climate exposures and social determinants of health


Students will develop and use a database that links physical, chemical, and social environmental data with incidence of specific immune-related diseases within neighborhoods in North Carolina. This database will consist of both publicly-available environmental, social, and climate data as well as data specific to/generated by Duke researchers; health information will be obtained using Duke electronic health records (EHR). This database will be used to develop an interactive linked choropleth map and/or animation to illustrate the association (see SEED Health Atlas). The study will provide a picture of the association between SDoH, environmental and climate variables, and immune health for Duke patients residing in North Carolina.

Project Lead: Mercedes A Bravo, Ph.D., Nrupen Bhavsar and Cliburn Chan

Project Managers: Dr. Kiana Bess and Mr. Tyler Schappe

Watch the team discuss their findings here



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