
This initiative is part of the NSF’s Harnessing the Data Revolution (HDR) Big Idea activity, and all research and outreach efforts will focus on the three key themes below. Duke scientists have already produced significant scholarship on these topics, as reflected in the lists of recent publications and media coverage.

i. Scalable Algorithms with Uncertainty

In most application areas, it is of paramount importance to obtain an accurate quantification of uncertainty in conducting machine learning and statistical inferences.

This is particularly true for high-dimensional and complex data as the data collection process is inherently prone to uncertainty. Most methodology developed for these data focus on producing point estimates without any characterization of uncertainty. The lack of quantifying uncertainty leads to the risk of over-interpretation and contributes to the replicability crisis in science.

ii. Human Machine Interface

Data analytic and artificially intelligent (AI) systems are increasingly directly impacting society and human lives. Two technology based factors are driving this influence. The first factor is the application of data analytics to high-stakes application domains both at the individual level as well as the societal level through applications such as automated bail and parole decisions and the data analytics used to form gerrymandered voting districts, respectively. The second factor is the ubiquity and increased complexity of sensing technologies from social media to wearable devices to 3D imaging and their impact on data analysis from causal inference to medical applications such as clinical trials.

iii. Fundamental Limits

The fundamental limits of the algorithms and models proposed in the previous themes.. The types of analysis we consider are lower and upper bounds on conditions with theoretical guarantees, minimax rates for estimators, and approximation theory results for the complexity or expressibility of function classes induced by AI algorithms. Specifically, the challenges we consider include: (a) The fundamental limits of robust optimization with uncertain inputs; (b) Characterizing the statistical and approximation power of deep neural network architectures; and (c) The fundamental limits of causal inference in observational studies.