Everybody’s talking about a new app developed by a team co-led by iiD’s Helen Egger and Guillermo Sapiro. Created in partnership with Apple, the free iOS app aims to learn more about autism in young children living around the world last week. Check out what news organizations are saying:
- About Parenting
- AppAdvice
- Apple Press Release
- AppleInsider
- Bloomberg
- Business Wire
- Buzzfeed
- Cult of Mac
- Daily Star
- Disability Scoop
- Duke Medicine YouTube
- Duke Today
- Engadget
- EurekAlert! (Duke Press Release)
- Fast Company
- Fortune
- iDownloadBlog
- iLounge
- iMedicalApps
- MacCity (Italian)
- MacNN
- MacObserver
- MacPlus (French)
- MacRumors
- MacTrast
- MacWorld
- Medical Xpress (Modified Duke Press Release)
- Medscape
- mHealth News
- mHealth Watch
- MobiHealthNews
- Modern Healthcare
- News Medical
- NY Daily News
- Silicon Republic
- Smarter Analyst
- Street Insider
- TechCrunch
- TechRadar
- The Mobile Doc
- The Next Web
- The Times
- Triangle Business Journal
- Vox
- 9to5 Mac