Duke Plus Programs 2023 wrapped up on August 4 th with a large poster session featuring projects from Data+, Code+, CS+, Climate+, and Applied Ethics+ summer programs. 56 projects were featured this year covering climate science, social science, coding, software development, ethical data literature review, public policy, history, and many more.
Participants in Data+ spent 10 weeks this summer on small project teams (at most 3 undergrads and 1master’s or PhD project manager per team), working alongside other teams in a communal environment. They learned how to marshal, analyze, and visualize data, while gaining broad exposure to the modern world of data science. The projects come from an extremely diverse set of subject areas.
“I gained a lot of practical experience working on a research project that I’m interested in. I’ve learned that I enjoy doing this sort of work. I developed lots of python skills regarding running machine learning models, image processing, file management, and desktop app development. My mental image when thinking ‘data science’ was having a lot of data in columns, running a regression on it, and visualizing that. Our project was more image-processing oriented, so it expanded my perception of what ‘data science’ can mean. Other groups also were working on things that weren’t the typical model-patterns-in-data workflow.”
Adam Kosinski, Computer Science ‘24
Innovations in Research Technology to Assess Forest Wildlife (Climate+)
Additionally, students had many opportunities to meet other Plus Programs participants through a welcome cookout the first week of the program, weekly breakfasts, pop up popsicle parties, taking a Tour of the Duke Lemur Center and Nasher Museum, or having some laughs playing at the local VR Arcade. Over 1/3 of the participants chose to stay on campus in Hollows, where their suitemates were also in the other Plus Programs.
All project teams worked full time in designated work areas of Gross Hall, allowing easy access to sharing information with other teams and working together on problems.
“I’ve learned so much about statistical analysis and dashboard development. Data+ gave me a great experience working with a team, and I learned so much about collaboration and leadership in working with others.”
Cynthia Ma, Computer Science ‘26
Visualizing data to increase access to diapers
The August 4th poster session was widely attended and kicked off with a welcome from Mary Pat McMahon, Vice Provost/Vice President of Student Affairs. Students were excited to discuss their work over the summer with many stakeholders, faculty, industry partners, and those interested in research.
Faculty proposals for Data+ 2024 are now being accepted! For more information on submitting a proposal for Data+ 2024, see our call for proposals (PDF). Our deadline is November 6th.
Student applications for Data+ 2024 will open in January 2024, please stay tuned for our Information Session announcement coming soon!